Charles Krauthammer’s observation that the first person to shoot down a surveillance drone on U.S. soil will be a “folk hero,”
protesting drones over the US.
fun times:
the comments from are great. check some out:
news and not news of the day. Art reviews, NWO to your neighborhood. food, politics, art and everything under the sun. Austin Texas
Dear Sir:
Please stop drones.
IP info is for law enforcement isn’t it? I will find out for sure! AND then AJ calls disagreement “TROLLING”? What is that? The headline is VERY deceptive as I have seen on so many other articles before! SO I am a troll for pointing out the truth? JONES at it again!
I’ll tell you what it is: the wheels are coming off that guys bus. Listen to the way he treats any caller who had info to offer on a subject that does not directly support what he’s saying at that exact moment (which is subject to change by the way…). I’ve pretty much stopped listening to the show. Its sad, because there really are nuggets of info there that need to get out, its just covered in so much other crap its made the truth unbelievable.
on a side not… Evidently this website and all of the “special offers” he’s hawking and the cut he gets from his advertisers can buy some nice land, big guns, and leave enough left over for a couple grand to blow on toy helicopters to shoot.
I’m going BACK TO CNN! in PROTEST!
wait a minute, did you just say “Listening to Alex Jones just now and…” ?
aw, never mind…
TAX BOY: I-I-I’m not gettin’ involved…
Cheney Shanksville: Fema Sector 1…check. Fema Sector 2…check. Fema Sector 3…check…
Ob(s)ama: Folks want change, YES WE KEN(ya)
TROLL man: He’s illuminati..Reptilian I tell ya…Zionist! You’re all NUTs, NUTs
TAX BOY: I-I-I’m not gettin’ involved.
(diamond gusset, in the crotch, need it most)
What the hell is Alex’s problem lately?
Veterans for Ron Paul
This will bring the issue into the public light and here’s why we need to awaken the people.
United States Senator Thomas J. Dodd was the chief author of the 1968 Gun Control Act.
When he was a young lawyer he worked at the Nuremberg Trials as a clerk.
He saved a copy of the 1938 Nazi German Gun Control laws and when he wrote the 68GCA he had his copy of the German Nazi Gun Control Laws translated by the Library of Congress.
After the Treaty of Versailles the German government had to write their laws to comply with the Treaty.
Dodd copied the Nazi Laws so closely that he kept in the “COMPLAINCE” with the Treaty of Versailles.
The [term] “SPORTING PURPOSES” comes from the Compliance with the Treaty of Versailles.
You see after WWI the German people were only allowed to have firearms for “Sporting Purposes”
This is why we must demand a “REPEAL” of the 68 GCA.
Call the NRA and see what they say?
The money that was wasted doing this also serves to show someone has got their head in the wrong place.
There isn’t ANY human that will SHOOT Down a freaking drone.
This is CLEARLY a bunch of hogwash and BS, even worse than the freaking spammers that try to promote websites or copy and pasters that are probably wearing pasties!
The ONLY way and I do mean ONLY way someone will get one of these things down is by RF manipulation either through direct signaling or hacking.
Please get off your self-service /pride trip or you will soon reckon the waste of energy that has been done.
I mean this in the best way.
Truth doesn’t need presstitution like this.
Truth speaks for itself.