Tuesday, November 26, 2013

the jihadtoon network ©2013- die laughing

the jihadtoon network ©2013- die laughing

war. what is it good for? from paul beck on Vimeo.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Limitless video based on Sofles graffiti

2.5 million views

 graffiti artists: Sofles
filmmaker:Selina Miles
Also featured are artists Fintan Magee, Treas, Quench and a Nekst tribute.

South Austin Graffiti

South Austin graffiti is getting a little over the top.
Duster has hit most of the soco area.
and S. Lamar is just obnoxious.
some road off S. Lamar:

photos provided by P$
bird watching tshirts
bird watching tshirts by thepman
Look at other Artsprojekt T-Shirts at zazzle.com

Friday, November 22, 2013

Alex Jones Attacked by Dallas Police or Sheriff

Alex Jones Attacked by Dallas Police or Sheriff?

Now we are getting reports it was the Sheriff Deputies.

man in yellow hat claims officer welch pushed him around.

this woman claims she was shoved.

Alex claims he was punched in the stomach. He claims DHS hired the sheriff department to contain the protesters. Protesters are claiming the sheriff department hired by DHS started pushing and shoving the crowd. Alex claims Homeland security goons attack JFK crowd.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Greetings from Austin Mural New Message

by Owen Bay
Looks like the redone South Austin"Greetings From Austin" mural has a new message.  Greetings from Austin Mural now reads more like $.  Rumors are South Austin artist P$ allegedly did the timely touch up.   See a few years back before East Austin became the secret (not anymore) cheap rent for artists and musicians, South Austin was the place.

Now Austin is one of the most expensive cities in America.  Ask Lucy the welfare queen of KLBJ am how she survives here.    Some say Austin has lost its cool.  Some say Austin sucks.  Man y residents are now being priced out of Austin.  The artist that made this city special can no longer afford to live in Austin Texas.

Some artist feel lost in a city they loved.

                                           Art work provided by Paul Beck, Austin Texas

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Banksy and Eddie Colla alleged Walmart stencil theft?

In an earlier in a post I briefly mentioned is Banksy allegedly lifting ideas from people he has surfed on the web.   Banksy work is in Walmart and there appears to be a problem.

Look at this:
from Eddie Colla:

from Banksy carried by Walmart:
from Banksy carried by Walmart:

Here is a link to an interview with Eddie Colla in the Daily Kos

It's Only Stealing if You Get Caught - Wal-Mart steals street art for profit - Artist Responds

interview conducted by 1Xrun.com with Eddie Colla 

 It looks like it is about to go down:

Eddie has announced he is raising funds to hire a lawyer.  buy this print help Eddie fight the man.
Limited Edition Fundraiser Print announced on Daily Kos:
From Daily Kos:
Q. What's next with this issue, what type of recourse do you have at this time?
These things can be expensive to fight. All the money from this release will go directly towards legal fees. This is just getting started. Wish me luck.

Buy the Legal Funding print here:
Edition Size: 50
18 x 24 Inches
3-Color Screen Print On 100lbs Cougar Fine Art Paper

here is the Walmart link:  http://www.walmart.com/ip/Art-Wall-Banksy-Asking-for-Permission-Canvas-Wall-Art/26457954?action=product_interest&action_type=title&placement_id=irs_top&strategy=PWVAV&visitor_id=54640138324&category=0%3A4044%3A133012%3A1045881%3A1084906&client_guid=e7a73cf0-ced0-4268-bc55-631670316b31&config_id=2&parent_item_id=23126880&guid=5d0cf3a5-e5c3-4a7e-a799-9b04769a4975&bucket_id=irsbucketdefault&findingMethod=p13n

i am not sure what is going on here.  if you have any info please post in the comment section.

here is a petition calling Walmart out, sent to me from anonymous: http://action.sumofus.org/a/walmart-banksy-eddie-colla/

more info:  it looks like the stolen image appeared on the wayfair.com

paul beck is FB friends with Eddie Colla.  He has sent the question "wouldn't Banksy inc. have to sign a licensing agreement with Walmart on this?".  We will find out.

bird watching tshirts
bird watching tshirts by thepman
See other Artsprojekt T-Shirts at zazzle

Monday, November 11, 2013

animal del globo

animal del globo.  this clown parties.
get funded.

if you want in contact Austin Front.

Let's get this party started.

Feds deploy microphones nation wide

Feds deploy microphones nation wide

A network of different spy systems can record real time conversations and are already in place throughout areas of the United States, also microphones in the technology products we buy and use on a regular basis.

From microphones on street lights to "smart" appliances.

All sent back to a central hub.  Say hi to the NSA

Friday, November 8, 2013

Justin Bieber kills street art

Justin Bieber kills street art/graffiti. I mean he really just killed it.

look i am soft edgy

 bust out the penguin
bam it is dead