Friday, October 12, 2012

Scrpit Writing Book from Neil Landau

From an interview with Neil Landau on his new book The Screenwriter’s Roadmap: 21 Ways to Jumpstart Your Story "Other surprising things I learned in writing the book: how many of these great screenwriters don’t outline or try to predetermine Theme before they write. Guillermo Arriega doesn’t even do any research; he just starts to write and discovers where the work is taking him as he goes along; he also doesn’t do any rewrites!  I wouldn’t recommend this approach to many, but what all 21 A-listers acknowledged is their discovery process that defies definition and transcends the so-called “rules” of all the screenwriting books.
To me, the best screenplay structure is invisible; the best exposition is subliminal. There are no sacrosanct rules. Whatever works, works. It’s the magic that occurs on the page when it’s just you and your computer and your Muse. While my book does offer the nuts and bolts of writing a great screenplay, I also endeavored to capture the unique and ethereal aspects of the imagination. It all starts with inspiration and at the core of these 21 chapters is the spark that can jumpstart your story.  Go for it."

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